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Duke Energy EV Charger Prep Credit – A Comprehensive Guide

As electric vehicles (EVs) become increasingly popular, the need for convenient and efficient home charging solutions is growing. Duke Energy’s EV Charger Prep Credit is designed to support this transition by helping homeowners prepare their homes for electric vehicle charging. Whether you’re a homeowner, an EV owner, or someone interested in energy-efficient solutions, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know about the Duke Energy EV Charger Prep Credit and how Swaim Electric can assist you in taking full advantage of this program.

What is the Duke Energy EV Charger Prep Credit?

The Duke Energy EV Charger Prep Credit is a program aimed at alleviating the financial burden of preparing your home or garage for an electric vehicle charger installation. This initiative offers a one-time credit of up to $1,133 per charger to cover qualifying costs related to electrical upgrades necessary for EV chargers. The program is designed to make the transition to electric vehicles easier and more affordable for homeowners.

Key Benefits

  • Financial Assistance: Receive a credit of up to $1,133 to cover the costs of electrical upgrades.
  • Multiple Rebates: You can apply for one rebate per EV registered to your address.
  • Flexible Options: Choose between the Customer Credit Option and the Contractor Credit Option for receiving the program credit.

Qualifying Upgrades

The Duke Energy EV Charger Prep Credit covers several types of electrical upgrades to ensure your home or garage is EV charger-ready. These upgrades include:

  • New Electric Plug-in Outlets for Garages: Installing new outlets that are capable of supporting EV chargers.
  • Electrical Wiring Improvements: Upgrades to the existing electrical wiring to handle the increased load from EV charging.
  • Other Required Electrical Upgrades: Any additional upgrades needed to support Level 2 or higher EV chargers.

Important Note

In rare cases, the electrical supply from Duke Energy to your individual panel may not be sufficient to power your charger. In such instances, the activation of Duke Energy’s Line Extension Plan may be necessary, which could require additional funding not covered by the Charger Prep Credit program.

How to Receive the Program Credit

There are two options for receiving the Duke Energy EV Charger Prep Credit:

1. Customer Credit Option

If you already have an electrical contractor chosen to do the work, or if you have completed the charger prep work within the last four months, you can submit your paid invoice to Duke Energy. Upon approval, you will receive a check to cover the qualifying costs.

2. Contractor Credit Option

If you prefer, Duke Energy will facilitate the process of choosing an electrical contractor for you. In this case, the credit will be applied as a discount on your final bill from the contractor for the qualifying charger prep work.

Steps to Apply for the EV Charger Prep Credit

  1. Verify Eligibility: Ensure that your home is within the Duke Energy service area and that you have an electric vehicle registered to your address.
  2. Choose Your Option: Decide whether you want to go with the Customer Credit Option or the Contractor Credit Option.
  3. Complete the Work: If opting for the Customer Credit Option, hire a licensed electrical contractor to complete the necessary upgrades. If choosing the Contractor Credit Option, Duke Energy will handle the contractor selection.
  4. Submit Documentation: For the Customer Credit Option, submit your paid invoice to Duke Energy. For the Contractor Credit Option, ensure all work is completed and documented by the contractor.
  5. Receive Your Credit: After verification, receive your credit either as a check (Customer Credit Option) or a discount on your final bill (Contractor Credit Option).

Why Choose Swaim Electric?

At Swaim Electric, we understand the complexities involved in preparing your home for an EV charger. Our team of licensed electricians is experienced in handling all types of electrical upgrades required for the Duke Energy EV Charger Prep Credit. Here’s why you should choose us:

  • Expertise: We specialize in electrical work related to EV charger installations.
  • Quality: Our commitment to quality ensures that your upgrades meet all necessary standards and requirements.
  • Customer Satisfaction: We prioritize your satisfaction and make the process as seamless as possible.

Make Your Home EV Charger-Ready Without Breaking the Bank

Transitioning to an electric vehicle is a significant step towards a more sustainable future. With Duke Energy’s EV Charger Prep Credit, you can make your home EV charger-ready without breaking the bank. By understanding the program details and options available, you can maximize the benefits and ensure a smooth installation process.

For expert assistance and high-quality electrical services, contact Swaim Electric today. Let us help you take advantage of the Duke Energy EV Charger Prep Credit and make your home a part of the electric vehicle revolution. Contact us now to get started!

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